My Whole Expanse I Cannot See…

I formulate infinity stored deep inside of me…

Dec 8

Courtney Love and honest writing

Category: Life

I used to be pretty against Courtney Love, mostly because I felt like she killed Kurt Cobain one way or another. However, until a few weeks ago I’d only heard three Hole songs. I’d never realized she wrote some pretty amazing stuff. I know it’s alleged that she didn’t write everything, particularly their entire second album, but I don’t buy it. I think Courtney’s writing is smart, and honest, and fucked up in a really beautiful sort of way. العب كازينو

I admire songs like Dying, and Miss World, and Reasons to Be Beautiful. I’ve felt like those songs. Just like Kurt Cobain, I don’t think Courtney was or is an “act,” she feels what she writes, it’s real. Very dark, but very real. I can’t say whether or not she killed Kurt, only she knows, but I definitely don’t hate her. طريقة لعبة البوكر في الجزائر She’s really fucked up and she writes about it, as do I.

I was talking Ziztur earlier about how it’s been suggested that I need lots of therapy, and she said…

That’s what happens when you don’t hide how you feel to the rest of the world. العاب ربح المال من الانترنت  I have a sneaking suspicion that everyone is just as batshit as we are – we just tell other people.

I just know that really honest writing makes me feel better, whether it’s mine or someone else’s. We’re alone, but together in our dark places.


5 Comments so far

  1. Karen (the first one) December 8th, 2008 7:45 am

    It may be true that everyone is as batshit crazy, but that doesn’t mean therapy wouldn’t help.

    I think it helps a lot to think of therapy not as a stigma that means you’re “crazy”, but as a way of helping you work things out. It doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you, it just means reaching out for a little extra help when things are more tough than usual.

    I’ve been, and I find it to be much more effective in the long run than self-medicating, which tends to just make the problems worse for me.

  2. Preston Craig December 8th, 2008 4:00 pm

    I’ve been lurking for a while, but this is my first time making my presence known. My name is Preston, I’m a blogger, promoter, and DJ in Atlanta… and I have FSH Muscular Dystrophy.

    Introductions aside, maybe it’s the long time music snob inside of me speaking, but there’s something incredibly typical, predictable, generic, and indeed hypocritical about Courtney Love’s music. I won’t completely harp on her, as there is a greater issue that gets to me lately.

    I guess my main issue with so many songs and lyrics these days is the crutch about writing about personal pain that is in fact, generic, regardless of how catchy the chorus is. It’s not to say that it’s a crime to write about pain and hardship, but I guess the idea of a song being so easy to identify with kinda ruins it. When you think of it, it’s much like a “one size fits all.” Lonely, we’re all lonely… sad, we’re all sad… girlfriend left you… it happens to everyone.

    Look at This American Life for instance. It talks about themes we all can relate to, but gets into them in ways we may not have experienced or even thought about, but does so in a way that often adds perspective and experience, versus just allowing you to wallow or frolic in your own personal experience.

    Maybe I’m still bitter that Death Cab made two oft he greatest albums of all time, Something About Airplanes and We Have The Facts (lyrically, musically, sonically) and then regressed into typical and predictable music for 15 year olds. = )

    I wanted to suggest some other music for you (I love the sleepy and somber stuff too).

    Snowden (Anti-Anti), Benoit Pioulard (Precis), The Clientele (Strange Geometry / The Violet Hour), Yo La Tengo (and then nothing turned itself inside out), Kings of Convenience.

    Also, Snowden is my brother’s band and is playing a very rare set of Florida dates and will be in Tampa this week should you want to go. You can msg me on ichat/aim sn = kissatlanta

    I’ll send you any music you want or make more suggestions if you like or hate any of it.

  3. Ormolu December 8th, 2008 5:52 pm

    Heh. I found your response to be thought-provoking, Preston. Thank you.

  4. Ziztur December 8th, 2008 11:32 pm

    I actually went to a therapist for awhile. She apparently thought I was coping just fine with my current (rather crazy) life and so she tried instead to talk to me about my childhood. I seriously wanted her to focus on more pressing issues. I stopped going.

  5. Ziztur December 8th, 2008 11:36 pm

    Alone – but together in our dark places. Yes, that’s exactly how I feel sometime. Like we’re reaching through the black abyss, stretching… and only the end of one finger can touch, but that’s better than nothing.