My Whole Expanse I Cannot See…

I formulate infinity stored deep inside of me…

Not feeling it: Anything/everything

May 20th, 2015 | Category: Life

I’m just not feeling it today. What exactly is “it?” Anything/everything.

Tomorrow, though, I actually do have something planned.


Quality and what-not

May 08th, 2015 | Category: Life,Random Thought

So, I’m still working on quality posts. I have something longer perking, but I’m not sure it’s worth finishing anymore. I don’t know.

I’m feeling down, and uneasy. I wish someone was next to me, I miss feeling her next to me. I miss her eyes, her voice… I miss talking in the dark… I miss… Fuck it. If wishes were fishes, something something… Kitties!

1 comment

Not. A. Thing. Nothing.

May 01st, 2015 | Category: Life

So, I have nothing to post today. Not a thing. Nothing.

I’m just… down. My trach’s really bothering me, I’m feeling really uneasy melancholy. 888 casino

Lonely. I feel very alone just now.