I could put down a bunch of violets
I could put down a bunch of words, but they wouldn’t do anything, or mean anything, or change anything. Or I could put down a bunch of violets. Violets violets violets violets violets violets violets violets violets violets violets violets violets violets violets violets violets violets violets. Either way, it’s the same affect, no matter the words. Whatever I put down is passionless, pointless.
5 commentsBlack Hearted Love
A Woman a Man Walked By is the result of a collaboration between PJ Harvey and John Perish, Black Hearted Love is one of my favorite songs on that album.
To me, the song is about a woman and her lover, and their intense connection to each other. My favorite line goes…
“When you call out my name in rapture, I volunteer my soul for murder. I wish this moment here forever…”
When you give yourself to someone, your skin against theirs, and you genuinely feel something deep for that person, that’s kind of the pact. You give your soul to that person, and they can do what they will with it, keep it or destroy it. This pact can go both ways, but not always, Still, the moment that pact is formed, it’s like magic, and you wish you could stay in that moment forever. At least, that’s what I take from the song.
1 commentTattoo Crisis 2010
So, I keep tweeting about Tattoo Crisis 2010, which in turn ends up on my Facebook page, and since I haven’t explained Tattoo Crisis 2010, a lot of people are confused.
Two Thursdays ago I decided I wanted my thirty-ninth tattoo. I have this list in my head of the tattoos I want, and I just knock them out whenever I feel like it. Things usually go absolutely fine, thirty-eight times everything went fine. This time, though, this time I did something astonishingly stupid. There’s this PJ Harvey song, The Devil, the last three lines of the song are beautiful, and I’ve wanted them as a tattoo for awhile. So, before I went out I listened to the song a bunch, and I looked up the lyrics at Metrolyrics.com, just to make sure I didn’t mis-hear anything. I always check, but this particular evening I only bothered to check the one site. I was all, “Yep, that looks the way I hear it, let’s go!” I didn’t check other sites, and in another BRILLIANT move I didn’t check PJ Harvey’s site, not until the next day anyway. Apparently, I fucked up a word, “finally” should read “formerly,” which is really more perfect than I thought. I was stupid, thoughtless, needlessly impulsive. This is hands down one of the dumbest things I’ve done in a very long time.
So, I can’t just leave it, I can’t have a typo on my chest for the rest of my life. I’m going to fix it, it’s not going to be the most elegant fix, but the mess of it will be a constant reminder to slow down sometimes, to think before I do. I’ll post again when things read as they should.
I know, I’m an idiot.