My Whole Expanse I Cannot See…

I formulate infinity stored deep inside of me…

50 to 51 to 50

May 02nd, 2015 | Category: Life,Random Thought

Sn, just before my daily post vow I jumped from fifty to fifty-one subscribers, then somewhere, during my orgy of posting, I dropped back to fifty. Obviously, they didn’t like me, or the writing, or both… but still… I’d like to know some whys…

One day, I’ll have my drone army to hold exit interroga… interviews.


WordPress 4.2 has landed!

April 23rd, 2015 | Category: Life

So, a quick auto-update later and we’re running WordPress 4.2. It’s nothing drastic, but more a robust set of refinements, mostly for the sharing of content from the web and Twitter directly to your blog posts.

Generally, I’m not big on sharing links, and articles, pictures of adorable kitties with traches, Facebook has never been my bag. I started the blog, particularly this iteration, with the idea of mainly posting original content. I’m doing a really shit job of it, but original content is the idea… I’ve gotten into this pattern of vowing to do better, then failing. Vow fail vow fail vow fail. It’s frustrating. I’m frustrated. I’m frustrated in so many ways.

Anyway, let’s make one potentially final grand vow… I’m going to post every single day until June 1, but if I fail, I delete the blog. I’m not vowing quality, mind you, just quantity. I’ve said it before, I think that if you’re a writer, and you’re confidant that you do know the craft, quality can be a natural progression of quantity. At any rate, I’ve never backed-up the blog, and I won’t back-up. It’ll just be… gone.

After June 1, if we get there, I’ll re-evaluate the situation.