Yes, I’ve been on C-SPAN2
So, yesterday I’m watching the health care debate, which is actually really fun to watch, on C-SPAN2, and kind of playing World of Warcraft. I’m in the the middle of a bit of a pitched battle, I’m pretty focused on killing demons, but I hear my name on the tv. I look up and there’s Senator Bill Nelson talking about me and the Medicaid cuts, how damaging said cuts would be to me and all Floridians with disabilities.
Now, I’ll be honest, apparently I was given a heads up via e-mail that Senator Nelson was going to mention me, but being that I was engaged in pitched battles with demons, I totally missed the e-mail. Fortunately, I’m a giant politics nerd, and I didn’t miss it.
I have to say, as a giant politics nerd, being mentioned on the Senate floor, being covered on CSPAN-2, was really fucking cool. Yes, the circumstances are awful, but you have to take joy where you can get it.