Oct 30
Let you in
I want to let you in, to hand you the key to me.
I want you to see all my locked rooms, the lonely places people never see. They’re all dark, dusty, full of hidden things. I want to show you the rooms that keep my secrets, my fears, the dreams too stupid to show anyone else.
I’ve locked so many rooms, guided people away from the things I don’t trust to anyone. The things I didn’t trust to anyone, until you showed up one day.
I want you to see everything, to know everything and maybe stay awhile. I want you to stay, though I want most people to go.
I want to let you in, to hand you the key to me. It’s scary wanting something so much, scary to feel so much trust. You might not take the key, you might not like what you find inside. You might say, “Goodbye, nice try.” So much I don’t know, but I want to let you in.
1 comment
1 Comment so far
I want you to stay,though I want most people to go. I like that part. This one is really good.