Jan 18
Someone asked me a few days ago why I think I have insomnia, and I said, “Well, when I was nine, I murdered several nuns.” If I don’t feel like answering a question, my first answer to that question is usually a joke answer. I’ll write my innermost thoughts for anyone to read, but one on one with someone, especially if they’re someone I don’t plan on knowing particularly well, I’m not always willing to answer the personal questions. So, after my nun answer, I said, “I don’t know, really.”
I wasn’t honest though. I know exactly why I don’t sleep at night, or why when I do nod off, I often have bad dreams and wake up scared. I know all the reasons why I don’t sleep. I really don’t sleep, I usually just go out from exhaustion. Sometimes I have horrible dreams, but I’m too tired to wake up right away. I know all the whys, and I don’t see those whys going away anytime soon.
3 Comments so far
HEllo..Do you speak any other languages besides English?
And…I don’t know if you will be willing to answer a stranger but I was wondering about your dreams…Is something/one coming after you?
My name is Danielle. I met you tonight at sacred grounds and all apologies for staring but, I wanted you to notice me. Thank you.
You must be over exaggerating just a little I mean every now and then you must experience some sense of a [leasant dream … you know like flying above everyhting in an ascape to the stars..
Dani: I really don’t exaggerate, they’re all bad dreams.