Apr 13
Okay, so…
Okay, so, I no longer particularly feel like hot garbage, which is a nice change. I don’t feel exactly spectacular, but I don’t feel all sickly and ill either. I don’t feel as exhausted, and generally ill at ease. I’m kind of forcing myself to write this nothing, trying to get back to some kind of “normalcy.” I haven’t felt like writing in so long, but the words are starting to dance around in my head again.
I feel well enough for another tattoo… I’m really excited about this one, my thirty-fourth, I can’t stop thinking about it. My artist, Colt, has been out of town since January, so I haven’t gotten a tattoo since. I promised Colt that he’d be the only person to give me tattoos until I run out of room, or one of us drops dead, and I meant it. So, now that he’s back, we have more words to dig into my skin.
That’s it for now…
3 Comments so far
I’m glad you are feeling better. Make sure you post a picture of your new tattoo..Can’t wait to see it..
Nice to see you back. 34th tattoo…impressive!
i just found you! there really are a lot of pretender m.f.’s out there to compete with a google hunt of you. nice tats man. i hope things are well with you today. it was nice to hear your voice on “this american life”… that was “the good” as my italian friends say… well… actually just one italian. dalip dalip. no shit, that’s his name. terrible parents really. lol. i hope i don’t piss yout off with the terrible habit of non-capitalization but at least i am not an ignoramus about the issue. have a swell night and good day. -pauly
btw, i was enamored at your style of writing and one day hope to see more creativity flow from that brain of yours. have you ever considered introspective free-verse poetry?