Feb 6
No, actually, I’m not pathetic. I’m a lot of things, but not pathetic. I was just venting, I wrote it for someone’s benefit. Just to cheer them up, or something. Believe it or not, at least two of my readers HATE me. Shocking, I know, but it’s true. I picture them in some dark room, cackling at me, hating F me. They’re on par with the maturity level of the average 4chan visitor and of that “disabled people should just go ahead and die” mindset. It’s pretty creepy, but such people DO exist.
This one’s for you , kids! As was the last one. Anyway, enjoy.
1 comment
1 Comment so far
Keep on keepin’ on, and never mind the haters.
I check your blog almost daily in hopes of seeing more long-form writing. I don’t think I’m not the only one. You have a distinctive voice and write beautifully. I really wish you would write more often. Here’s hoping for more memories, essays, and fiction.