Jun 10
Drag Me to Hell
It’s probably a little late for this, but I saw Drag Me to Hell, Sam Raimi’s return to horror. It’s the tale of a woman who makes the mistake of turning down an elderly gypsy woman’s request for a mortgage extension. ربح مجاني The gypsy woman does not take this well, she curses poor banker lady, damning her soul to Hell. العاب اندرويد
Watching the movie, I felt like I had been dragged to Hell, except Hell was really boring, and not particularly scary. It’s a movie of cheap startles, the gypsy woman jumps out a lot, there are creepy loud noises, but that’s about it. Drag Me to Hell’s story is absolutely tedious, and poorly acted. الكازينو I hope that when I die and go to real Hell it’s more interesting.
5 Comments so far
I agree, “Drag Me To Hell” was superficial and cliched….though I did enjoy Raimis’s Spider Man.
balls. I was really hoping it’d be good. more Evil Dead, less Spider-Man sort of thing. ah well
I can’t believe you missed the subtext. The main character is America. The gypsy is rampant consumerism. This is Raimi’s neo-communist critique of the whole crummy bourgie-middle class system. Like the French surrealist filmmakers of the 70s, Raimi is saying fuck you to the status quo. Someday this movie will rank right up there with Dune for its complexity.
Jeff: I can’t believe that I missed the film’s subtle brilliance. I clearly missed the boat on Dune too, but I think I’d rather have zombies eat me than get on a boat with Dune.
I don’t think Raimi films have subtexts. If so, what was the Evil Dead trilogy really about? Environmentalism? The feudal system?