My Whole Expanse I Cannot See…

I formulate infinity stored deep inside of me…

The Republican sell-out paid off

November 03rd, 2010 | Category: Life,Opinions

So, the Republicans won big enough, they took the House, a bunch of Tea Party nuts won. Rand “The Civil Rights Act Was a Bad Idea” Paul won. I don’t understand how people could think this road is better, giving power back to the people who spent eight years digging the hole that has everyone so angry.

How could President Obama and the Democrats turn that disaster around in two years, especially with Republicans rubber-stamping everything with a giant “NO?” They slowed our progress, on purpose, in order to say, “See, the Democrats aren’t helping you.” They sold America out to gain enough political capital to win the mid-terms. They prayed to their gay-hating God that people wouldn’t notice their ploy, and people didn’t notice. They keep talking about debt, the American people spoke out about debt. Who gave us that debt? Who got us into two wars? Who gave the richest Americans massive tax-cuts, while letting everyone else suffer? Who de-regulated Wall-Street to a degree that nearly killed our economy? The Republicans did those things. It’s disgusting, I’m disgusted.


Astonishingly wrong

May 14th, 2008 | Category: Life

The profound wrongness of this thread was so astonishing that I had to post the following reply.

It’s amazing to me that some of you seem to know absolute facts about my life. Still, let me just clarify a few things.

First, I’m definitely grateful to my mom and family, of course I am. She’s done lots of work to keep me alive. Yet, I was raised to feel like a pretty “normal” person, with no real difference between me and my younger brother save for the fact that he can walk and I can’t. I was never coddled or sheltered from anything. I was raised to know that I’d never climb trees or drive a car, but so what? There’s an entire world of other things to do, but sometimes I’d have to do them differently. It was never instilled in me that I couldn’t do just about anything. I was raised like a typical son, really. So, I think it’s natural that I want to leave the nest.

Secondly, I can’t imagine wanting to “pull the plug.” I like the plug right where it is, plugged in and with a back-up battery. I like my life, I don’t see it as a bunch of losses. I never walked, so I don’t miss that. Any other “losses” have been so gradual that it’s easy to adapt. Honestly, the only difficult thing about my disability is not being able to talk, because that happened quickly and unexpectedly. Still, I’m adapting to that too.

Next, I’m not trying to live “alone,” I’ll always need assistants. Those assistants just won’t be part of my family.

Lastly, Sara and I are together because we have lots of fun. We go to movies, clubs, restaurants, things any couple does. We flew to Boston last December to see an Aimee Mann concert. We have practically everything in common. I courted her and we fell in love. Oh, if sex is “NOT” a possibility for us, then I have absolutely no idea what we were doing Sunday morning.