Oct 2
Out tonight
So, I’m going out tonight with this girl and my new assistant, Cassandra. 1xbet شرح موقع Cassandra has never taken me anywhere by herself before, but I think she’s ready enough. The question I always ask in this situation is, “If I happened to die doing what I’m about to do, would it still seem worth it just before everything went black?” I mean, the odds of me dying just leaving the house are probably only slightly higher than anyone else’s, but I’m morbid and I ask myself such questions. قمار الخيل
Now, is what I’m doing on this particular evening worth the possibility of my demise and probable trip to Hell? Yes, I believe in the possibility of Hell, and that if it does actually exist, I’ll probably end up there. So, is this girl with her moonbeam smile, her alluring brown eyes, this girl who’s touch feels better than morphine, is she worth possible death and damnation? bwin شركة Yes, yes she is, she’s worth whatever I have to give, or lose.
5 Comments so far
You’re always going on about how morbid you are, but in its essence, this posting is so romantic that it very nearly makes me swoon…
Hope your evening is wonderful.
Enjoy your night with your assistant. I agree with Ariel, the posting is romantic.
I believe love is worth it.
I am curious why an intelligent person such as yourself would believe in such an archaic notion as Hell. I would like to hear about your vision of this possible damnation and your thoughts on what kind of being would send anyone to eternal torment. Maybe you wrote of this before. I am a new comer to your blog as I just say the TAL episode and was quite impressed by your verve.
Just felt like saying I’m glad you’re still in the world and that, quite by accident, I discovered you.
Onward & sideways,
Carol in Venice
…”moonbeam smile”…
I like it.