May 24
A stroke?
Did I have a stroke earlier? I was watching Indiana Jones, but he was really old and a little heavy. Then there were aliens that looked recycled from Artificial Intelligence: AI and CG monkeys. I obviously went to see a good movie and stroked out, right? I made all of this up, right? God, I’m scared…
4 Comments so far
AI makes me bawl my eyes out :]
i hope you’re ok!
I really wish AI had stopped with David praying to the Blue Fairy.
I just missed the pulpy action/violence and gore of the originals. No squibs filled with red food dye and Karo Syrup. No melting bad guys. No flaming beating hearts. Nothing – except for a reverse blowgun, which was cool. 🙂
I thought somehow I’d made it into an early showing of X-Files with Indy doing a long cameo.