My Whole Expanse I Cannot See…

I formulate infinity stored deep inside of me…

Feb 5

Me in my head

Category: Random Thought

The me in my head, I think, is the real me. Unfortunately, he can be astonishingly ineffective.


3 Comments so far

  1. Will February 5th, 2009 11:40 pm

    I’ve always been a big fan of “Me, Myself, and I” and the endless task of figuring out just who the F is who, who is “right”, who’s leading at that particular moment, and who’s gonna get the Last Word and Be “Right” in the End (aka, Much Later).
    Me seems to be the Real Me all the time; Myself is a particularly selfish, self serving bastard who also happens to throw the best partys, and I, is the philosophical one who always just seems to say, “hey man, Life is super fucking short,let’s play this one out and see what happens, just as long as the only one who gets hurt is You”.

  2. Will February 5th, 2009 11:43 pm

    I think I need to Shut Up again…

  3. Ormolu February 7th, 2009 3:39 pm

    Actually, I found that interesting.