If the States are so great…
So, something about Governor Romney that makes me mind-numbingly angry is his assertion that State Government needs less, and in many cases, no Federal oversight. The idea makes me upset to the point of desiring violence against the proponents of said idea.
If States are so great, why did the Federal Government have to end slavery?
If States are so great, why did the Federal Government have to end segregation?
If States are so great, why did the Federal Government have to ensure the disabled access to Public Education?
The Federal Government exists to hold States to a standard, to a level of protection for all Americans. History shows us exactly how necessary Federal intervention is, because States have literally hurt people when left to their own devices. This is just fact, it’s like knowing that the sky is blue.
The thought of leaving Medicaid to the hands of each state is especially upsetting. Florida is a prime example of why Medicaid needs more Federal oversight, not less, let alone none. For some reason, we elected a criminal to be our Governor. Rick Scott made his fortune defrauding the Health Care System, resigning as CEO of his health care company before he could be held legally responsible for anything. Well, he, being of such astonishingly high moral caliber, has decimated Medicaid funding for programs that allow disabled people to live in their communities independently, happily. I got cut by 70%, had to say good-bye to my personal assistants, and thus, my entire life. Good-bye. coffee-shop. Good-bye, movie theaters. Good-bye, girlfriend. Good-bye, favorite bar. Good-bye, everything. According to the new rules, “it’s the responsibility of” my “family to provide access to the community out of love and concern for” my “well-being.” So, I’m supposed to go to the bar with my mom. Oh, wait, my case manager e-mailed to suggest, “your brother can come and you can have a nice Sunday afternoon out on the porch.” My mom isn’t young anymore. My brother’s married, works a crazy busy office job. Now, they’re doing my care 24/7, which is really 85% my mom. We get no help. Oh, wait, the State is lately spending two-ish THOUSAND dollars a week on an ambulance service to whisk me away to “medically necessary appointments.” They strap me to a gurney like Doctor Lecter, it’s great. I used to employe college kids who NEEDED my pay, now the State pays ambulances roughly $700 PER MEDICAL APPOINTMENT, whereas an assistant would get $45 for a three hour appointment. They’re not saving money by cutting my services, they’re just funneling it and a lot more toward the medical industry. Their goal is to have me, and people like me living in hospitals and institutions. It costs more up front, but the gamble is that we die way quicker, and folks like Rick Scott make a sweet cut somewhere along the way. If Scott had full control over Medicaid thanks to Romney… I don’t even want to write the words.
I WANT intelligent, moral, kind people like President Obama to be able to see State-level corruption, and have the power to fix it. I wish he could see me, how I employed people, college kids, how I was contributing to my local economy, how I lived a normal little life. Now, it’s all gone, and for what?