Jun 22
I can’t sleep
I can’t sleep, I feel that part of me somewhere else and it hurts, being so far away hurts. I don’t know how to make it not hurt. I know I deserve this, I know.
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Jun 22
I can’t sleep, I feel that part of me somewhere else and it hurts, being so far away hurts. I don’t know how to make it not hurt. I know I deserve this, I know.
1 comment
You could write some poetry, it helps for me sometimes…
These days I’m thinking of making a short movie about a girl that is going away, she’s from another country, and she’s leaving his boyfriend to go back home. She writes a little letter with the same arguments to leave him as he writes to convince her to marry him in other letter – they have the same words, but opposite points of view. But I still can’t find a way to put it into the paper…
I think it’s all about this, the pain of losing someone you love.