He came with her
He came with her tonight, into blissful oblivion.
Her hair tossed back, eyes closed and showing so much. Her face flushed, gorgeous.
His breath hard, fast. Him knowing where they’re going, knowing he can’t stop it.
They’re all sweat, and skin, and exquisite sin.
He came with her into that place of perfect nothingness, white hot decadence.
He came with her tonight, into blissful oblivion.
2 commentsDress
I needed a break from writing about New York, so…
Dress is one of my favorite PJ Harvey songs, it so beautifully describes loneliness and playing a role to fill that loneliness. We go out. We put on a pretty face, a pretty dress, but desperation can so often be behind it. Dress is all about the desperation bred from loneliness. That dress is pretty, but it’s uncomfortable, it’s something shiny to cover something dark. It’s exhausting to wear, but we want to be noticed, to be wanted, to be loved. So, we wear that dress because emptiness is so much worse than the weight of putting on a facade. Death is better than emptiness, loneliness, so we put on that dress and go out dancing. I find it frightening that the dress does get to feeling so damn tight, it does get filthy, nights do end empty, and after enough time, wearing that dress starts to feel pointless.