Nov 18
Bye Ativan
Well, I’m bidding farewell to Ativan, and possibly greeting once again my former lover, Insomnia. The Ativan is starting to, as expected, lose its effectiveness. It could also be adding to my spectacular depression.
So, I’m going to save my drug fixes for trache changes and find a better way to sleep.
4 Comments so far
Have you tried valerian?
When you find a better alternative, please post about it. I’ve taken Ativan before and, even though it’s not supposed to mess with your breathing, it always knocked me out so quick that I’d jolt myself awake thinking I had indeed stopped breathing. Stupid respiratory crap!
I swear by melatonin to get to sleep. No drugged feeling when I wake up, and it’s not habit forming.
I use a vent so, breathing’s not an issue. It’s just that nothing works.