My Whole Expanse I Cannot See…

I formulate infinity stored deep inside of me…

Nov 6

Faith in Atheism

Category: Life,Opinions

I’ve liked the idea of Atheism for awhile, Atheists totally intrigue me. I mean, it seems so beautiful not to worry about God, or Heaven, or Hell. They’re so absolutely sure that there is no God and right now is it. I’d love to be that certain about things, but I can’t.

I’m not always faithful in God, but at the same time, I can’t be faithful in the absence of God. I can’t have absolute faith in either belief. Of course, if the Hell that I worry about does exist, my doubt in God will probably send me there just as surely as if I were a completely faithful Atheist. 

I’m afraid that God exists and He hates me, just as I’m afraid that there is no God and thus no one to ask for forgiveness or salvation. I guess I’m only truly faithful in the fact that nothing is certain.


14 Comments so far

  1. Celeste November 7th, 2008 12:14 am

    My atheism is based on the idea that – we have little idea of the complexity that this world was created under – and I could not possibly quantify what might be out there governing the universe. So instead of conjecturing and hoping I will be forgiven for my sins – I try to do the things that in my heart feel best. I fail a lot – but I figure, as long as I am reflective, and I try to continue to grow and become better – whatever is out there – and whatever we are creating here – will be a little bit happier and better because of it.

  2. Jessica McLeod November 7th, 2008 1:01 am

    “They’re so absolutely sure that there is no God and right now is it. I’d love to be that certain about things, but I can’t.”

    That’s a gross generalisation. I am an atheist because I have never seen any evidence or heard a compelling argument for the existence of gods or the supernatural.

  3. michael November 7th, 2008 1:07 am

    I apologize. Many seem sure.

  4. jim November 7th, 2008 1:12 am

    I’m an atheist because I grew up without any religion in my life. Consequently, I was not brainwashed.

  5. Samuel Skinner November 7th, 2008 1:53 am

    “I apologize. Many seem sure.”

    It depends on what you mean by sure. Obviously, some can exist if you redefine the word enough. But universe creator? Nope.

  6. Aspentroll November 7th, 2008 1:53 pm

    I look at it this way. The 3 desert religions are followed by less than half of the world’s population, so, why would their religion be necessarily right?
    It is common knowledge that the the bible was written by men who believed a certain way. Other people who lived at that time couldn’t have all believed the same way. I find it very hard to believe that those old stories still have any validity today. Christianity has developed over the centuries purely because the leaders of it have kept serious pressure on the masses. Let’s face it, people down through the ages were very ignorant, only a few could read and write. There was very little explanation for any of the extraordinary happenings of the day. Earthquakes, thunderstorms, volcanoes and natural disasters were all believed to be the wrath of some god. They believed what the priests told them about what was happening.
    These priests didn’t understand either, so, it was the blind leading the blind.

    It boggles my mind how some educated people of today are somehow still under that spell.
    Of course we can’t be absolutely certain that there is no intelligent being guiding our every move. But, if you think about it, the probability of some “loving omni-everything god” is in control, then we, at least I, don’t think it’s a rational concept.

  7. Ormolu November 8th, 2008 8:17 am

    Eh. I’m with you, Mike. Can’t be utterly sure one way or another, but I’m leaning towards a “yes”. Though the creator I believe in is not so much an active participant as a viewer. He/She/It doesn’t really communicate with me, either. But I suppose that’s what faith is all about.

    My own conclusion is that whatever’s out there is on a higher level then we can possibly understand, outside the realm of human comprehension. Like trying to teach geometry to my cat. It’s just not going to happen.

    And that’s oddly comforting because try as I might, I never really could answer those great questions about the existence of evil, suffering and such. Then again, I don’t believe that “god” is all good.

    This is why I’m not atheist, but a theist. 😉

  8. Samuel Skinner November 8th, 2008 6:51 pm

    “Eh. I’m with you, Mike. Can’t be utterly sure one way or another, but I’m leaning towards a “yes”. Though the creator I believe in is not so much an active participant as a viewer. He/She/It doesn’t really communicate with me, either. But I suppose that’s what faith is all about.”

    You are aware of the fallacy of arguing from ignorance, right?

  9. Loribelle November 8th, 2008 8:54 pm

    Every atheist I’ve ever met has their own way to define atheism. Personally, I need proof of something before I believe. The idea that just THAT alone would send me to “hell” in some religions is ridiculous. I’m a good person, if I do say so myself. I try. Anyway, I always thought that it would be much more comforting to believe in a God that always loves me and has “his” reasons for everything: life, death, suffering, etc. So, while I don’t worry about god, I still worry about plenty of other things. Like, wow, I am alone.

  10. michael November 8th, 2008 9:49 pm

    Lori, I feel a lot like you, definitely on the alone feeling. I definitely don’t like the idea of a God damning people just because they believe or don’t believe something. I mean, if that God exists, I’m definitely going to Hell.

  11. Jeff November 9th, 2008 3:57 am

    There is a site, appropriately named, that tipped the scales for me. I must admit, though, it’s hard not to hedge your bets “just in case”.

    You might also visit to see the absurdity of religions in general.

  12. Ziztur November 9th, 2008 3:57 am

    There are lots of different gods, so even if you decide one exists – which one?

    I am an atheist because I see no compelling evidence for god, and compelling evidence against the common definitions for god (such as contradictions). If I ever find compelling evidence for one, I will be glad to change my mind and believe – assuming such a god isn’t also jerk. I will echo what many other atheists say: most people are atheist with regard to many gods save for their own. When you understand why you don’t believe in Zeus, Thor, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and others, then you will understand why I don’t believe in your god. We’re all atheist with regard to some gods, I just go one god further.

    If the Christian god as depicted in the bible is the real one, I am very, very sad for humanity because that god is the most vile, evil, hateful and immoral entity in any literature I have read and does not deserve any worship or obedience from me.

    A part of me is afraid that this god is real – a very, very tiny part. I am never absolutely sure of anything. I actually have never met an atheist who was 100% sure, and I’ve met a lot. I suppose they may be out there though.

  13. Ormolu November 10th, 2008 5:15 am

    “You are aware of the fallacy of arguing from ignorance, right?”

    Hey Sam, my man.
    I’m more of a “live and let live” kinda gal myself. I’m content in my beliefs and as far as I’m concerned, religious folk and atheists can believe whatever they wish. It doesn’t matter to me. And I don’t have any need to browbeat someone else into thinking the way I do. So, cheers!

    And actually, I DO think that Zeus and the Flying Spaghetti Monster hang out together with Jesus and the Invisible Pink Unicorn. I bet they have a blast.

  14. carol December 24th, 2008 3:49 pm

    I was raised Catholic and survived a British Catholic Convent school – knew at 12 I didn’t believe any of it. Stopped going to church at 14. Married a guy who was neutral. Raised two smart nice kids. Never intended to do anything more, and was fine living in a state of “when I die I will find out.” And by accident went with my Catholic sister to the local Unitarian Universalist church eight years ago. It’s actually a group of smart, community-minded people and is god-optional. I’m essentially an atheist and humanist. Pro-people. The book that put me over the edge was “Letter to a Christian Nation” by Sam Harris – takes maybe an hour to read.