Nov 7
Help someone out
So, a friend of mine works for the American Cancer Society and they have various fundraisers throughout the year. Right now, it’s Relay For Life time, and my friend needs your help. Her team needs to raise $1000 to beat last year’s record of $625. It’s an excellent cause, cancer sucks, and we really don’t want my friend to be a loser. There’s no need to live in Florida, or even stand up, just click here and donate.
3 Comments so far
The Relay For Life website is SO EASY to navigate and ANY amount can be donated, so don’t think that you have to give $50 or more. Even $5-10 can make a difference!
You are fantastic!! 🙂
However (I may be asking a lot, here), please use this link to help my own competition:
otherwise, it’s logged on the general team page. Don’t get me wrong – donations are fantastic in any way! I do, however, like to win! 😉
Thanks for everyone who’s donated so far!!!