My Whole Expanse I Cannot See…

I formulate infinity stored deep inside of me…

Apr 11

Between the Bars

Category: Life,Opinions

It’s really beautiful when a writer can take abstract feelings, like addiction and depression, and turn them into words that perfectly describe such abstracts. Elliott Smith was one of those writers, just honest and eloquent. I especially love this song, it’s a gorgeous description of the empty peace found in alcohol, and the reasons one might seek it. I’ve had my share of drinks, drinks to make me okay.


3 Comments so far

  1. jeff vandermeer April 11th, 2009 10:58 pm

    yeah, smith was pretty special. his prior band heatmiser was good, too.

  2. Ennis Drake April 12th, 2009 12:12 am

    “I’ve had my share of drinks, drinks to make me okay.”

    Cheers to that. It is, however, unfortunate that the edges can never be dulled enough. Not by vice alone. Unless you count among your vice good music, or fuck, just good words. The right words at the right time make all the difference. A better difference than that found in the bottle (or a bag, or anywhere else).

    Um? Just sayin’.

    — Ennis D.

  3. michael April 12th, 2009 2:15 am

    jeff: Yes, definitely.

    Ennis: You’re totally right, liquor, drugs, they’re just empty fixes, but I definitely understand why people pick them up. I’ve picked them up.