Apr 6
New trache, again, yay
So, once again, I go for a new trache in the morning. I’m pretty apathetic toward the whole affair, dying is really low on my worry list these days.
4 Comments so far
Apr 6
So, once again, I go for a new trache in the morning. I’m pretty apathetic toward the whole affair, dying is really low on my worry list these days.
Get one with sparkles.
At this point I’m seeing no harm in everyone involved, does a shooter of like, harsh tequilia or something every time the trache’s replaced.
Whomever drove, you, the nurses/techs/doc’s, you all just do a shooter.
Will, maybe all us readers should do a shot.
Ooh… something to look forward to tonight.
“Whole” affair. “Hole” affair. LOL. Etc.
LOL @ everyone in the room downing tequila shots. “Jesus, nurse, I told you not to get Jose Cuervo, I don’t drink that muck! Sorry Mr Phillips, she knows better than this – did you learn nothing at Med school?! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go do an extremely intricate operation that requires 100% of my concentration and medical training. One for the road eh? Why not!”