Aug 22
Honest descriptions
I’ve been thinking about my writing the wrong way. Lately, I’ve been worried about how my writing is perceived from the outside, whether or not I’m upsetting people, making them uncomfortable. I can’t do that, it goes against everything I’ve created in the name of transparency. The purpose of this blog is to write and be known, exactly as I am. Honest descriptions of whatever’s in my head, that’s what I write. I can hate myself, hate what I’m writing. I can be happy and write how it feels. Sex, liquor, suicide, love, depression, cheer, whimsy, it all gets written so long as it’s written as an honest description of what’s inside.
4 Comments so far
sometimes you just have to keep reminding yourself of that. i know i do.
You are completely correct. Don’t worry about what other people think about your writing. Be dark. Be brooding and self-immolating if need be – but honesty, as stated, is the key.
It is the ONLY way.
Amen. Thank you for using the word transparency. I know that I continue to temper my writing with abstracts rather than being forthcoming. Are you a Ryan Adams fan? I used to read his blog and it inspired me to be transparent. But he hasn’t been posting lately, and sometimes I feel too ashamed of my shit. Having said that,though, as a writer, I realize that blocking the transparency blocks me. So thanks.